1080 rank

787,903,039 points

162,054 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
hexalotte2000    💀 LIVING DE@D 💀
Qunrir 1080 hexalotte2000 💀 LIVING DE@D 💀 787,903,039 162,054
hexalotte2000    Die** Waaghalsigen**
Korch 5328 hexalotte2000 Die** Waaghalsigen** 89,384,797 27,064
hexalotte2000    Tigers of the Empire
Greifental 7975 hexalotte2000 Tigers of the Empire 49,249,739 21,487
hexalotte2000    *Die Nordlichter*
Cirgard 7611 hexalotte2000 *Die Nordlichter* 46,756,914 24,539
hexalotte2000    - new order -
Jaims 8280 hexalotte2000 - new order - 33,099,264 15,048