13072 rank

3,943,138 points

2,104 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Thanos-    The Last Stand
Parkog 12452 Thanos- The Last Stand 4,906,791 2,402
Thanos-    Super Goofy's U-Boot
Qunrir 13072 Thanos- Super Goofy's U-Boot 3,943,138 2,104
Houndsmoor 16580 Thanos- CHILLOUT LOUNGE 2,221,287 1,592
Thanos-    🕊Phoenix Föderation
Vingrid 11990 Thanos- 🕊Phoenix Föderation 1,777,509 898
Thanos-    Siedler aller Zeiten
Xyr 7313 Thanos- Siedler aller Zeiten 1,395,298 1,447