10 rank

4,525,541,415 points

990,038 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Stom    DNA
Rugnir 10 Stom DNA 4,525,541,415 990,038
Stom    Pirates of FoE
Qunrir 2107 Stom Pirates of FoE 345,538,136 65,287
Stom    Dark Angels
Tuulech 2723 Stom Dark Angels 199,334,366 33,978
Stom    Frankenreich
Fel Dranghyr 5359 Stom Frankenreich 95,101,352 28,514
Stom    ☕️ Kaffeeklatsch ☕️
Arvahall 9286 Stom ☕️ Kaffeeklatsch ☕️ 33,367,527 11,148
Uceria 29509 Stom 23,829 58
Stom    Scotland
Brisgard 34973 Stom Scotland 22,700 52