10488 rank

8,948,930 points

2,512 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
saxxxonyst    Age of Doom
Uceria 7701 saxxxonyst Age of Doom 22,688,557 4,734
saxxxonyst    Lomo
Jaims 10369 saxxxonyst Lomo 13,292,461 2,823
saxxxonyst    💪Saxon Economy👍
Mount Killmore 11281 saxxxonyst 💪Saxon Economy👍 12,778,537 2,565
saxxxonyst    Heiliger Gral
Rugnir 10488 saxxxonyst Heiliger Gral 8,948,930 2,512
saxxxonyst    Die Verstoßenen...
Brisgard 13001 saxxxonyst Die Verstoßenen... 8,631,017 2,199
saxxxonyst    Terra Incognita
Houndsmoor 19838 saxxxonyst Terra Incognita 846,932 785