15625 rank

1,420,244 points

1,703 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Blair Witch    The Empires
Brisgard 18579 Blair Witch The Empires 1,762,942 1,513
Blair Witch    only HELP Button
Eldenborough 17806 Blair Witch only HELP Button 1,722,903 1,896
Blair Witch    Tea Time
Mount Killmore 18156 Blair Witch Tea Time 1,539,267 1,525
Blair Witch    Moonlight
Fel Dranghyr 17486 Blair Witch Moonlight 1,493,521 1,442
Blair Witch    Die Verwirrten
Rugnir 15625 Blair Witch Die Verwirrten 1,420,244 1,703