1932 rank

319,796,981 points

119,618 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Atlan-da-Gonozal    Das Volk
Dinegu 406 Atlan-da-Gonozal Das Volk 1,418,739,280 330,878
Atlan-da-Gonozal    Nation of Glory
Fel Dranghyr 687 Atlan-da-Gonozal Nation of Glory 963,920,142 209,700
Atlan-da-Gonozal    🔥Rebellion🔥
Parkog 829 Atlan-da-Gonozal 🔥Rebellion🔥 705,467,686 135,422
Atlan-da-Gonozal    Freigeister
Sinerania 1932 Atlan-da-Gonozal Freigeister 319,796,981 119,618
Atlan-da-Gonozal    ZUM ᖇᗩᔕIEá–‡TEĆť DACKEL
Vingrid 2891 Atlan-da-Gonozal ZUM ᖇᗩᔕIEᖇTEƝ DACKEL 78,625,167 48,234
Atlan-da-Gonozal    Feierabend
Houndsmoor 13292 Atlan-da-Gonozal Feierabend 6,881,176 11,145