7125 rank

41,276,049 points

32,300 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Phil-Francois    Legendary
Houndsmoor 26 Phil-Francois Legendary 4,885,865,189 1,520,399
Phil-Francois    Please Hold the Line
Dinegu 4134 Phil-Francois Please Hold the Line 163,779,264 80,961
Phil-Francois    Die Highlander
Arvahall 4508 Phil-Francois Die Highlander 150,339,924 79,538
Phil-Francois    Kobra übernehmen Sie
Tuulech 4862 Phil-Francois Kobra übernehmen Sie 75,379,276 61,822
Phil-Francois    Hitchhiker Spaceship
Sinerania 7125 Phil-Francois Hitchhiker Spaceship 41,276,049 32,300
Phil-Francois    " gemütliches Volk "
Mount Killmore 23822 Phil-Francois " gemütliches Volk " 313,510 1,055
Phil-Francois    Lost Legion
Uceria 21385 Phil-Francois Lost Legion 263,756 131
Phil-Francois    Hessenfamilie
Korch 26206 Phil-Francois Hessenfamilie 80,024 139