5404 rank

60,022,714 points

13,024 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
grillmaste71    Wikinger von Byzanz
Sinerania 632 grillmaste71 Wikinger von Byzanz 1,148,486,249 254,659
grillmaste71    Landschleicher
Odhrorvar 4515 grillmaste71 Landschleicher 115,278,743 12,531
grillmaste71    Dragonhearts
Cirgard 6381 grillmaste71 Dragonhearts 68,253,592 12,423
grillmaste71    Empire of Europe🇺🇦
Tuulech 5404 grillmaste71 Empire of Europe🇺🇦 60,022,714 13,024