7561 rank

20,840,362 points

9,430 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TechnoTronic    💃 Slowdancers 💃
Xyr 112 TechnoTronic 💃 Slowdancers 💃 390,600,947 115,998
TechnoTronic    DerZirkel
Odhrorvar 5938 TechnoTronic DerZirkel 50,241,703 13,317
TechnoTronic    Arbeiter Gilde
Uceria 7226 TechnoTronic Arbeiter Gilde 26,101,073 11,105
TechnoTronic    Bedirlii
Tuulech 7561 TechnoTronic Bedirlii 20,840,362 9,430
TechnoTronic    The Last Hero
Vingrid 11271 TechnoTronic The Last Hero 2,041,254 4,996
TechnoTronic    NEW Syndikat Future
Walstrand 8680 TechnoTronic NEW Syndikat Future 968,285 148