7288 rank

26,409,445 points

28,256 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zeus of Ulani    Haus am See 😎
Fel Dranghyr 6606 Zeus of Ulani Haus am See 😎 57,475,708 47,502
Zeus of Ulani    BeeCrazy
Walstrand 2384 Zeus of Ulani BeeCrazy 42,486,262 33,704
Zeus of Ulani    wir sind frei
Rugnir 6483 Zeus of Ulani wir sind frei 41,797,713 30,240
Zeus of Ulani    Lässig
Uceria 6795 Zeus of Ulani Lässig 35,316,000 28,653
Zeus of Ulani    वShivaशि
Tuulech 7288 Zeus of Ulani वShivaशि 26,409,445 28,256
Zeus of Ulani    🐺Rheinland Wölfe🐺
Arvahall 13556 Zeus of Ulani 🐺Rheinland Wölfe🐺 10,463,819 12,600