23440 rank

93,876 points

82 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
HolySpirit    The dark side
Mount Killmore 9752 HolySpirit The dark side 24,342,774 10,915
Houndsmoor 14414 HolySpirit 5,008,460 4,583
HolySpirit    Chilling Zone
Jaims 18193 HolySpirit Chilling Zone 1,015,641 453
HolySpirit    Relaxed E 🏝
Eldenborough 24271 HolySpirit Relaxed E 🏝 267,518 123
HolySpirit    Relaxed L 🏝
Langendorn 24154 HolySpirit Relaxed L 🏝 207,505 49
HolySpirit    Relaxed T 🏝
Tuulech 23440 HolySpirit Relaxed T 🏝 93,876 82