23791 rank

449,161 points

579 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
outitiou    bla1
Cirgard 21330 outitiou bla1 562,231 666
outitiou    Handelsplattform
Brisgard 23791 outitiou Handelsplattform 449,161 579
outitiou    Kings Of The World
Dinegu 21371 outitiou Kings Of The World 441,864 438
outitiou    Händler Gilde
Eldenborough 22971 outitiou Händler Gilde 400,233 459
outitiou    lafayette
Greifental 26009 outitiou lafayette 314,147 332
outitiou    heloteraner
Fel Dranghyr 22922 outitiou heloteraner 299,682 403
outitiou    Kristalle
Houndsmoor 23511 outitiou Kristalle 297,203 413
outitiou    HobbyTrinker
Korch 22788 outitiou HobbyTrinker 242,255 315
outitiou    Legion of Doom
Qunrir 27178 outitiou Legion of Doom 36,834 111