7404 rank

39,712,627 points

6,950 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lord of Ingo    Keep Cool
Arvahall 7042 Lord of Ingo Keep Cool 49,991,205 8,654
Lord of Ingo    Jägermeister
Dinegu 6752 Lord of Ingo Jägermeister 47,402,635 9,012
Lord of Ingo    Diamantenstädte
Fel Dranghyr 6908 Lord of Ingo Diamantenstädte 44,752,288 8,510
Lord of Ingo    Unsichtbare Hand
Eldenborough 7371 Lord of Ingo Unsichtbare Hand 40,512,473 5,600
Lord of Ingo    Die Pfeffersäcke
Brisgard 7404 Lord of Ingo Die Pfeffersäcke 39,712,627 6,950