30539 rank

72,400 points

547 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Katniss11    Lord of the Dance
Parkog 23293 Katniss11 Lord of the Dance 113,070 1,271
Katniss11    Just-For-Fun-Freakz
Greifental 30178 Katniss11 Just-For-Fun-Freakz 104,934 1,011
Katniss11    TAFELRUNDE
Cirgard 27125 Katniss11 TAFELRUNDE 103,573 1,142
Katniss11    Kein Stress
Brisgard 30539 Katniss11 Kein Stress 72,400 547
Katniss11    Der Reisende
Eldenborough 32530 Katniss11 Der Reisende 27,310 81