4900 rank

90,165,917 points

51,966 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ronin the first    G ✖ O 👑 A ✖ T
Cirgard 2976 Ronin the first G ✖ O 👑 A ✖ T 193,446,638 62,191
Ronin the first    Gammelfleischparty
Jaims 4594 Ronin the first Gammelfleischparty 93,404,342 52,941
Ronin the first    Patronus 🕊
Brisgard 4900 Ronin the first Patronus 🕊 90,165,917 51,966
Ronin the first    Spass am Spielen
Mount Killmore 5342 Ronin the first Spass am Spielen 82,259,508 41,832