9615 rank

26,209,308 points

5,585 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lux the fux    Just 4 Fun
Arvahall 7367 lux the fux Just 4 Fun 60,243,438 10,395
lux the fux    Nur aus Spaß
Houndsmoor 8656 lux the fux Nur aus Spaß 33,390,230 6,620
lux the fux    nixida
Greifental 9585 lux the fux nixida 29,632,473 5,909
lux the fux    fffffffffffffffffff
Brisgard 9615 lux the fux fffffffffffffffffff 26,209,308 5,585
lux the fux    Ghostrider's
Langendorn 16847 lux the fux Ghostrider's 1,884,916 1,195
lux the fux    Preussen
Qunrir 16315 lux the fux Preussen 1,103,061 1,016