3875 rank

131,761,506 points

80,892 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
*Eye in the Sky*   
Houndsmoor 603 *Eye in the Sky* 1,370,405,391 354,343
*Eye in the Sky*    Nebenwelt von H
Uceria 3875 *Eye in the Sky* Nebenwelt von H 131,761,506 80,892
*Eye in the Sky*    Inglourious Basterds
Korch 14427 *Eye in the Sky* Inglourious Basterds 3,596,390 2,060
*Eye in the Sky*    Inglourious Basterds
Odhrorvar 15292 *Eye in the Sky* Inglourious Basterds 1,709,189 1,244
*Eye in the Sky*   
Parkog 17927 *Eye in the Sky* 635,731 1,215
*Eye in the Sky*   
Greifental 23848 *Eye in the Sky* 540,198 451