11739 rank

6,834,711 points

2,352 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LMP2011    Die Kurfürsten
Langendorn 2886 LMP2011 Die Kurfürsten 283,331,831 32,316
LMP2011    Dumpman
Mount Killmore 13122 LMP2011 Dumpman 8,477,130 2,808
LMP2011    fight to the end
Uceria 11739 LMP2011 fight to the end 6,834,711 2,352
Arvahall 15749 LMP2011 6,476,067 2,724
LMP2011    spruuf
Tuulech 12520 LMP2011 spruuf 4,136,945 2,179