28874 rank

31,318 points

337 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wozzie    Biergarten 🍻🥂🍷
Xyr 3839 wozzie Biergarten 🍻🥂🍷 11,656,467 15,779
wozzie    Swords of Asgard
Arvahall 16243 wozzie Swords of Asgard 5,236,060 11,601
wozzie    Freie u. Hansestädte
Cirgard 16215 wozzie Freie u. Hansestädte 2,578,300 7,510
wozzie    Tetrachord
Brisgard 18450 wozzie Tetrachord 1,786,350 8,222
wozzie    Ohne Pflichten
Tuulech 15780 wozzie Ohne Pflichten 1,131,130 6,050
wozzie    ◇ OPTIMUM ◇
Walstrand 16706 wozzie ◇ OPTIMUM ◇ 64,385 650
wozzie    Just4Gaudi
Vingrid 24165 wozzie Just4Gaudi 38,820 347
wozzie    Nebenweltler
Uceria 28874 wozzie Nebenweltler 31,318 337