26180 rank

57,925 points

130 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Helgoland1255    Der hohe Norden
Arvahall 29408 Helgoland1255 Der hohe Norden 190,885 154
Helgoland1255    Die Troublemaker
Noarsil 23724 Helgoland1255 Die Troublemaker 153,909 167
Helgoland1255    Thunderbolt
Odhrorvar 23146 Helgoland1255 Thunderbolt 123,337 173
Helgoland1255    Viking
Brisgard 28824 Helgoland1255 Viking 114,351 141
Helgoland1255    Nation
Qunrir 23382 Helgoland1255 Nation 104,802 128
Helgoland1255    Wolfsschanze
Jaims 25659 Helgoland1255 Wolfsschanze 101,344 145
Helgoland1255    Ordo Technocratius
Parkog 23601 Helgoland1255 Ordo Technocratius 99,883 165
Helgoland1255    Drachenherz
Langendorn 26761 Helgoland1255 Drachenherz 97,023 126
Helgoland1255    Preußens Gloria
Houndsmoor 27030 Helgoland1255 Preußens Gloria 96,004 172
Helgoland1255    Bundschuh
Korch 25549 Helgoland1255 Bundschuh 95,492 77
Helgoland1255    Arche Kyros
Rugnir 24044 Helgoland1255 Arche Kyros 95,037 140
Helgoland1255    3Stock
Fel Dranghyr 26628 Helgoland1255 3Stock 91,463 151
Helgoland1255    Gold 1530$ per Ounce
Tuulech 23573 Helgoland1255 Gold 1530$ per Ounce 90,061 127
Helgoland1255    Löwenherzen
Cirgard 27870 Helgoland1255 Löwenherzen 82,838 146
Helgoland1255    Urlaub und Freizeit
Sinerania 25040 Helgoland1255 Urlaub und Freizeit 75,583 99
Helgoland1255    Westland
Eldenborough 28881 Helgoland1255 Westland 73,143 127
Helgoland1255    Holde Kunst
Greifental 31686 Helgoland1255 Holde Kunst 72,233 123
Helgoland1255    Störtebecker
Mount Killmore 29045 Helgoland1255 Störtebecker 71,800 123
Helgoland1255    The Rock
Dinegu 27292 Helgoland1255 The Rock 69,707 153
Helgoland1255    Front Line
Walstrand 17657 Helgoland1255 Front Line 63,580 83
Helgoland1255    Die Tafelrunde
Uceria 26180 Helgoland1255 Die Tafelrunde 57,925 130
Helgoland1255    Vikings
Vingrid 23097 Helgoland1255 Vikings 51,902 169
Helgoland1255    INV
Xyr 15961 Helgoland1255 INV 49,220 16