3994 rank

58,757,226 points

19,004 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Micha6458    🐉Games Of Throns🐉
Cirgard 4818 Micha6458 🐉Games Of Throns🐉 119,727,124 25,985
Micha6458    Kleiner Feigling
Greifental 7256 Micha6458 Kleiner Feigling 59,339,792 14,802
Micha6458    🐉Game ofThrones2 🐉
Vingrid 3994 Micha6458 🐉Game ofThrones2 🐉 58,757,226 19,004
Micha6458    >Game of Thrones 2<
Korch 8044 Micha6458 >Game of Thrones 2< 32,623,711 11,952