2576 rank

126,726,150 points

61,416 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pelle1895    Blutwölfe
Greifental 1368 pelle1895 Blutwölfe 728,272,310 242,483
pelle1895    ☠️Forge of Death ☠️
Qunrir 2909 pelle1895 ☠️Forge of Death ☠️ 240,645,003 150,670
pelle1895    Sun ⚔ Tzu
Vingrid 2576 pelle1895 Sun ⚔ Tzu 126,726,150 61,416
pelle1895    Möpse 🇺🇦
Houndsmoor 5724 pelle1895 Möpse 🇺🇦 95,588,761 34,406
pelle1895    Cosy Godfathers
Mount Killmore 7039 pelle1895 Cosy Godfathers 61,076,750 38,141
pelle1895    Schichtgilde
Uceria 6555 pelle1895 Schichtgilde 43,120,905 31,452
pelle1895    🌴 Ohana 🌴
Tuulech 7717 pelle1895 🌴 Ohana 🌴 25,274,514 23,381
pelle1895    1-2-3
Rugnir 8964 pelle1895 1-2-3 18,641,111 20,051