9980 rank

4,312,765 points

3,194 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tim the King Kong 14    Die Luxe
Jaims 13381 tim the King Kong 14 Die Luxe 5,647,728 3,156
tim the King Kong 14    The affair
Noarsil 13527 tim the King Kong 14 The affair 4,470,257 3,295
tim the King Kong 14    Handelskrieger
Vingrid 9980 tim the King Kong 14 Handelskrieger 4,312,765 3,194
tim the King Kong 14    Unitas
Eldenborough 15200 tim the King Kong 14 Unitas 4,159,183 3,414
tim the King Kong 14    Die Tavernen Hocker
Houndsmoor 15099 tim the King Kong 14 Die Tavernen Hocker 3,782,461 3,432
tim the King Kong 14    Gilde der Freiheit
Rugnir 13002 tim the King Kong 14 Gilde der Freiheit 3,778,094 3,061
tim the King Kong 14    Einsame Wölfe
Odhrorvar 13600 tim the King Kong 14 Einsame Wölfe 3,321,731 2,904
tim the King Kong 14    German Oldies
Arvahall 18265 tim the King Kong 14 German Oldies 2,854,016 2,487
tim the King Kong 14    Hohenfels
Mount Killmore 16198 tim the King Kong 14 Hohenfels 2,853,545 3,058
tim the King Kong 14    Offensive
Sinerania 15596 tim the King Kong 14 Offensive 1,646,302 2,439