11663 rank

2,207,035 points

4,032 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
hulep    The Fair Traders
Arvahall 2368 hulep The Fair Traders 371,404,227 84,980
hulep    Stahl Nuss und Gral
Korch 8470 hulep Stahl Nuss und Gral 27,938,350 15,940
hulep    Petoria
Eldenborough 9266 hulep Petoria 27,830,471 15,207
hulep    ⚔️ Dragoner ⚔️
Vingrid 11663 hulep ⚔️ Dragoner ⚔️ 2,207,035 4,032
hulep    Liberum Mundi
Langendorn 17151 hulep Liberum Mundi 1,717,447 3,615