18805 rank

197,864 points

152 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
joe001    Die Freimaurer
Walstrand 1874 joe001 Die Freimaurer 74,163,390 15,731
joe001    TESTER
Langendorn 15943 joe001 TESTER 2,572,554 1,325
joe001    Helden
Sinerania 18615 joe001 Helden 580,664 230
joe001    Ultima Ratio
Uceria 19089 joe001 Ultima Ratio 523,760 271
joe001    event spieler
Eldenborough 21842 joe001 event spieler 522,992 226
joe001    The Lion
Brisgard 23532 joe001 The Lion 473,029 223
joe001    Juxis
Noarsil 20475 joe001 Juxis 400,900 184
joe001    Karaganda
Houndsmoor 23123 joe001 Karaganda 312,116 107
joe001    Die letzte Hoffnung
Arvahall 27206 joe001 Die letzte Hoffnung 310,872 279
joe001    Strongland
Fel Dranghyr 23252 joe001 Strongland 251,821 133
joe001    HellHounds
Vingrid 18805 joe001 HellHounds 197,864 152
joe001    Largoliner
Jaims 24565 joe001 Largoliner 145,887 101