4638 rank

39,680,946 points

83,400 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Odhrorvar 2336 indi23 FREISTAATLER 304,369,384 201,708
indi23    Germany's Tafelrunde
Noarsil 4825 indi23 Germany's Tafelrunde 105,675,358 158,912
indi23    LeopoldsGefährten🕊
Langendorn 5329 indi23 LeopoldsGefährten🕊 91,519,188 114,999
indi23    Eye of Horus
Vingrid 4638 indi23 Eye of Horus 39,680,946 83,400
indi23    Die Fröhliche
Sinerania 7730 indi23 Die Fröhliche 31,313,651 64,087
indi23    OhneZwang
Qunrir 8328 indi23 OhneZwang 23,924,111 65,304