2413 rank

42,515,313 points

42,526 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ullumbus    🇺🇦 ️ G E N E S I S
Langendorn 650 ullumbus 🇺🇦 ️ G E N E S I S 1,098,504,392 277,448
ullumbus    ⭐ Morning Star ⭐
Greifental 2555 ullumbus ⭐ Morning Star ⭐ 301,598,315 98,902
Jaims 3218 ullumbus 198,174,894 67,274
ullumbus    Voices of Doom
Brisgard 4252 ullumbus Voices of Doom 135,724,340 68,040
Korch 3953 ullumbus 135,452,909 59,847
ullumbus    Dreamcatcher
Walstrand 2413 ullumbus Dreamcatcher 42,515,313 42,526
ullumbus    Legende Quie-Di
Dinegu 8107 ullumbus Legende Quie-Di 33,304,469 41,955
ullumbus    🌺 Hestia 🌺
Xyr 3011 ullumbus 🌺 Hestia 🌺 19,617,835 27,514
ullumbus    Prison Breakout⛓
Cirgard 10102 ullumbus Prison Breakout⛓ 18,279,382 29,798