1932 rank

73,234,493 points

33,282 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Calm19    The Last Outlaws
Cirgard 308 Calm19 The Last Outlaws 1,985,009,835 542,997
Calm19    Eclipse & Krümelchen
Dinegu 1886 Calm19 Eclipse & Krümelchen 504,796,541 92,537
Calm19    ❄️SNOW⚔️UC❄️
Uceria 2125 Calm19 ❄️SNOW⚔️UC❄️ 310,567,679 77,867
Calm19    La Familia
Vingrid 2074 Calm19 La Familia 173,254,266 43,988
Calm19    Force of Nature
Odhrorvar 4546 Calm19 Force of Nature 115,957,102 60,968
Calm19    ⚡TEAM-X⚡
Walstrand 1932 Calm19 ⚡TEAM-X⚡ 73,234,493 33,282