3139 rank

26,413,873 points

19,325 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gallow    ⛱ Am Strand 🏖
Walstrand 3139 Gallow ⛱ Am Strand 🏖 26,413,873 19,325
Gallow    Spass
Arvahall 11253 Gallow Spass 18,663,016 13,589
Gallow    Black-Rose
Mount Killmore 11140 Gallow Black-Rose 14,472,225 14,094
Gallow    Fires of Heaven
Sinerania 10053 Gallow Fires of Heaven 12,724,213 12,824
Gallow    Die Händlerzunft
Tuulech 9648 Gallow Die Händlerzunft 11,211,821 10,531
Gallow    Entspannung PUR
Langendorn 13071 Gallow Entspannung PUR 6,886,441 8,194