1429 rank

90,358,635 points

70,177 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Deep...    Bloodline
Dinegu 5 Deep... Bloodline 6,754,204,309 1,748,992
Deep...    ⏰​Time-Rabbits🐇
Arvahall 5563 Deep... ⏰​Time-Rabbits🐇 108,417,405 104,615
Deep...    Das Bündnis 🌏
Houndsmoor 5414 Deep... Das Bündnis 🌏 105,049,644 69,210
Deep...    Kings & Queens
Cirgard 5414 Deep... Kings & Queens 99,361,726 95,794
Deep...    Faire Händler
Eldenborough 5681 Deep... Faire Händler 96,321,013 86,574
Deep...    🕊 In Avaritia 🍻
Brisgard 5602 Deep... 🕊 In Avaritia 🍻 96,192,382 97,969
Deep...    Dickes 🅱️
Greifental 5917 Deep... Dickes 🅱️ 94,389,540 99,701
Deep...    DieGutenBösen😈
Fel Dranghyr 5692 Deep... DieGutenBösen😈 90,978,741 79,632
Deep...    😈Advocati Diaboli😈
Xyr 1429 Deep... 😈Advocati Diaboli😈 90,358,635 70,177
Deep...    Next Generation
Odhrorvar 5373 Deep... Next Generation 84,555,628 72,414
Deep...    DIE AKADEMIE 🎓
Jaims 5810 Deep... DIE AKADEMIE 🎓 80,599,862 72,515
Deep...    Justice ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ Rocks
Vingrid 3491 Deep... Justice ᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵉ Rocks 77,639,261 59,767
Deep...    Die Wikingers
Korch 5897 Deep... Die Wikingers 71,967,712 67,335
Deep...    Warriors-Nachtmahr
Rugnir 5608 Deep... Warriors-Nachtmahr 67,523,601 51,388
Deep...    Fight
Mount Killmore 6742 Deep... Fight 67,347,745 58,488
Deep...    Butterfly
Noarsil 6333 Deep... Butterfly 64,117,913 53,126
Deep...    Circle of Trust
Uceria 5614 Deep... Circle of Trust 62,672,596 49,434
Deep...    Enterprise T.N.G.
Parkog 5966 Deep... Enterprise T.N.G. 62,275,047 56,268
Deep...    Trampeltiere
Sinerania 6109 Deep... Trampeltiere 61,689,510 50,891
Deep...    Nova Unitas💥
Tuulech 5675 Deep... Nova Unitas💥 55,738,550 47,043
Deep...    💎 NEXUS 💎
Walstrand 2494 Deep... 💎 NEXUS 💎 51,493,941 42,484