3457 rank

20,273,663 points

7,495 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Die Fürsten
Rugnir 5530 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Die Fürsten 69,507,633 11,357
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Dunkle Ritter
Arvahall 7374 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Dunkle Ritter 63,120,802 16,337
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Kings and Queens ⚜️
Brisgard 8471 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Kings and Queens ⚜️ 38,081,532 11,393
Marcus Aurelius the 1    .X.
Greifental 8910 Marcus Aurelius the 1 .X. 37,326,432 9,943
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Kreuzriter
Jaims 8114 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Kreuzriter 35,174,835 8,473
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Walhalla's Krieger
Dinegu 8321 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Walhalla's Krieger 34,880,776 10,026
Marcus Aurelius the 1    GlobalGilde
Cirgard 8485 Marcus Aurelius the 1 GlobalGilde 34,443,850 10,466
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Die Burgwächter
Eldenborough 8722 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Die Burgwächter 33,859,789 9,306
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Snoopy
Fel Dranghyr 8507 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Snoopy 33,399,887 9,917
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Free~To~Be
Tuulech 7045 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Free~To~Be 32,972,089 9,296
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Eintracht BS
Houndsmoor 8903 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Eintracht BS 31,797,297 9,431
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Meisterjäger
Qunrir 7844 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Meisterjäger 30,667,889 8,483
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Denise
Noarsil 8244 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Denise 30,626,622 8,781
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Sky-Angel
Langendorn 8707 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Sky-Angel 30,492,261 8,895
Marcus Aurelius the 1    kämpfen und siegen
Sinerania 8006 Marcus Aurelius the 1 kämpfen und siegen 30,429,247 8,787
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Lkl
Uceria 7635 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Lkl 28,937,706 8,765
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Frankenritter
Vingrid 5656 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Frankenritter 28,225,864 9,685
Marcus Aurelius the 1    -=Ghost=-
Parkog 7977 Marcus Aurelius the 1 -=Ghost=- 28,019,512 7,850
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Enwickler
Mount Killmore 9398 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Enwickler 27,741,262 8,750
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Ritter 1358
Korch 8607 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Ritter 1358 27,277,252 8,133
Marcus Aurelius the 1    ⛱ Am Strand 🏖
Walstrand 3597 Marcus Aurelius the 1 ⛱ Am Strand 🏖 26,832,225 7,870
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Arthur Dents
Odhrorvar 8478 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Arthur Dents 25,359,729 7,560
Marcus Aurelius the 1    Utopia Planetia
Xyr 3457 Marcus Aurelius the 1 Utopia Planetia 20,273,663 7,495