15295 rank

53,055 points

110 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Catweazle007    Weserpiraten
Eldenborough 8406 Catweazle007 Weserpiraten 36,136,036 21,848
Catweazle007    Lords of Thrones
Qunrir 11742 Catweazle007 Lords of Thrones 7,016,899 5,388
Catweazle007    Hobbits
Fel Dranghyr 16111 Catweazle007 Hobbits 2,416,101 5,461
Catweazle007    Vingrids
Vingrid 15647 Catweazle007 Vingrids 540,952 1,322
Catweazle007    Hastings
Uceria 23763 Catweazle007 Hastings 125,916 99
Xyr 15295 Catweazle007 53,055 110