12671 rank

114,727 points

1,077 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dosan the falling Leaf    Kleines Päuschen
Tuulech 4956 Dosan the falling Leaf Kleines Päuschen 64,766,968 138,073
Dosan the falling Leaf   
Arvahall 18909 Dosan the falling Leaf 2,375,608 15,645
Dosan the falling Leaf    GEX und DIAS
Cirgard 21750 Dosan the falling Leaf GEX und DIAS 498,150 3,030
Dosan the falling Leaf    Hirntot
Brisgard 25826 Dosan the falling Leaf Hirntot 265,210 1,936
Dosan the falling Leaf    One Man Army
Xyr 12671 Dosan the falling Leaf One Man Army 114,727 1,077
Dosan the falling Leaf    Entdeckergilde
Dinegu 29249 Dosan the falling Leaf Entdeckergilde 44,558 25
Dosan the falling Leaf   
Walstrand 20332 Dosan the falling Leaf 20,628 52