3217 rank

21,000,770 points

12,905 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
willitsch    🏅Ehre & Stärke⚔️
Mount Killmore 5118 willitsch 🏅Ehre & Stärke⚔️ 114,489,935 32,362
willitsch    *Handelsgilde*
Jaims 6837 willitsch *Handelsgilde* 53,383,949 25,293
willitsch    the green mile
Walstrand 3156 willitsch the green mile 31,607,374 16,988
willitsch    All In-CIV
Xyr 3217 willitsch All In-CIV 21,000,770 12,905
willitsch    Zeitvertreib
Brisgard 12451 willitsch Zeitvertreib 11,697,461 10,098