2730 rank

218,134,963 points

46,040 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Falkin the Legend    👿RAUFBOLDE👿
Rugnir 503 Falkin the Legend 👿RAUFBOLDE👿 898,644,014 226,602
Falkin the Legend    Dia-Welt A
Arvahall 2617 Falkin the Legend Dia-Welt A 236,525,781 54,489
Falkin the Legend    Dia-Welt T
Tuulech 1975 Falkin the Legend Dia-Welt T 229,790,296 54,928
Falkin the Legend    Dia-Welt C
Cirgard 2730 Falkin the Legend Dia-Welt C 218,134,963 46,040