10456 rank

16,184,912 points

6,299 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
WMgo    Team Rot
Arvahall 11597 WMgo Team Rot 16,951,375 5,585
WMgo    King of empire
Cirgard 10456 WMgo King of empire 16,184,912 6,299
WMgo    Turicum
Houndsmoor 12251 WMgo Turicum 9,762,801 1,614
WMgo    Pech und Schwefel
Jaims 12553 WMgo Pech und Schwefel 7,357,281 1,408
WMgo    Apostel-Ritter
Greifental 14653 WMgo Apostel-Ritter 6,942,876 1,335