8702 rank

23,934,366 points

34,425 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lord of Havelland    NoStress 🇺🇦
Arvahall 8959 Lord of Havelland NoStress 🇺🇦 29,146,816 36,164
Lord of Havelland    Die Garde
Brisgard 8861 Lord of Havelland Die Garde 25,463,610 37,824
Lord of Havelland    fides aeterna
Cirgard 8702 Lord of Havelland fides aeterna 23,934,366 34,425
Lord of Havelland    Eule mit der Beule🦉
Tuulech 7848 Lord of Havelland Eule mit der Beule🦉 18,663,798 26,623
Lord of Havelland    Hotzenplotz Bande
Jaims 9478 Lord of Havelland Hotzenplotz Bande 17,393,355 24,617
Lord of Havelland    🏅Ehre & Stärke⚔️
Mount Killmore 10738 Lord of Havelland 🏅Ehre & Stärke⚔️ 14,737,247 25,781
Lord of Havelland    Schlangenjäger
Vingrid 7171 Lord of Havelland Schlangenjäger 10,650,253 18,362
Lord of Havelland    Roter Adler
Korch 10985 Lord of Havelland Roter Adler 10,171,521 16,861
Lord of Havelland    Dvergatal
Sinerania 11613 Lord of Havelland Dvergatal 7,119,996 13,647
Lord of Havelland    Kleine Hexe
Uceria 12095 Lord of Havelland Kleine Hexe 5,342,866 12,147
Lord of Havelland    Anno 2024
Eldenborough 17155 Lord of Havelland Anno 2024 2,013,945 3,207