1713 rank

552,970,783 points

82,358 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
heliman2    House of Hygge
Dinegu 1713 heliman2 House of Hygge 552,970,783 82,358
heliman2    Great Glenrose
Fel Dranghyr 1893 heliman2 Great Glenrose 482,317,167 67,982
heliman2    Just4Fun
Mount Killmore 3595 heliman2 Just4Fun 207,154,701 31,661
heliman2    Ritter der Kokosnuss
Vingrid 2483 heliman2 Ritter der Kokosnuss 126,937,954 21,020
Korch 8562 heliman2 26,855,871 4,123
heliman2    Große Pause
Greifental 10893 heliman2 Große Pause 20,445,855 4,088