5530 rank

87,051,284 points

58,827 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
vtecc    Handels&Archenhaus
Houndsmoor 1454 vtecc Handels&Archenhaus 538,246,946 96,140
vtecc    The Resurrection
Arvahall 1937 vtecc The Resurrection 412,398,179 88,236
vtecc    Uprising
Jaims 1975 vtecc Uprising 377,154,290 78,405
vtecc    Legendary
Fel Dranghyr 2485 vtecc Legendary 305,732,136 67,042
vtecc    Blackthorn
Greifental 3250 vtecc Blackthorn 220,579,890 58,713
vtecc    The Eye of Terror
Dinegu 5530 vtecc The Eye of Terror 87,051,284 58,827