6733 rank

47,333,315 points

9,012 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lord of Ingo    Keep Cool
Arvahall 7061 Lord of Ingo Keep Cool 49,537,221 8,642
Lord of Ingo    Jägermeister
Dinegu 6733 Lord of Ingo Jägermeister 47,333,315 9,012
Lord of Ingo    Diamantenstädte
Fel Dranghyr 6901 Lord of Ingo Diamantenstädte 44,650,358 8,488
Lord of Ingo    Unsichtbare Hand
Eldenborough 7363 Lord of Ingo Unsichtbare Hand 40,385,711 5,590
Lord of Ingo    Die Pfeffersäcke
Brisgard 7398 Lord of Ingo Die Pfeffersäcke 39,589,562 6,950