7118 rank

53,546,976 points

9,261 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Lord of Ingo    Keep Cool
Arvahall 7265 Lord of Ingo Keep Cool 64,901,452 10,954
Lord of Ingo    Jägermeister
Dinegu 7118 Lord of Ingo Jägermeister 53,546,976 9,261
Lord of Ingo    Stressless
Fel Dranghyr 7245 Lord of Ingo Stressless 52,184,691 9,575
Lord of Ingo    Die Pfeffersäcke
Brisgard 7769 Lord of Ingo Die Pfeffersäcke 47,501,601 7,430
Lord of Ingo    Unsichtbare Hand
Eldenborough 7767 Lord of Ingo Unsichtbare Hand 46,632,601 6,020