30081 rank

34,715 points

55 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Acer2013    Bogen
Arvahall 20381 Acer2013 Bogen 1,580,169 351
Acer2013    Große Streitmacht
Greifental 23298 Acer2013 Große Streitmacht 606,101 203
Acer2013    Wolf2017
Qunrir 21050 Acer2013 Wolf2017 241,960 89
Acer2013    Black Scorpions
Noarsil 22668 Acer2013 Black Scorpions 222,280 85
Acer2013    Marco Polo
Cirgard 27707 Acer2013 Marco Polo 94,706 70
Acer2013    Owls Attack
Brisgard 30403 Acer2013 Owls Attack 78,516 98
Acer2013    Nord-Nord-Ost
Korch 26964 Acer2013 Nord-Nord-Ost 70,154 36
Acer2013    Forks
Eldenborough 30282 Acer2013 Forks 55,876 65
Acer2013    Deadman Wonderland
Houndsmoor 30940 Acer2013 Deadman Wonderland 35,080 58
Acer2013    Wolf2014
Dinegu 30081 Acer2013 Wolf2014 34,715 55
Acer2013    Kingdom of RL
Fel Dranghyr 30545 Acer2013 Kingdom of RL 33,004 70
Acer2013    Bund der inaktiven
Jaims 30480 Acer2013 Bund der inaktiven 26,469 43
Acer2013    Gamer 2604
Langendorn 32348 Acer2013 Gamer 2604 21,303 25