17732 rank

1,313,363 points

1,582 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
piet the adventurer   
Dinegu 17732 piet the adventurer 1,313,363 1,582
piet the adventurer    Die verrückten
Brisgard 19548 piet the adventurer Die verrückten 1,296,829 1,534
piet the adventurer    Lionlöwe
Jaims 17872 piet the adventurer Lionlöwe 1,137,256 1,471
piet the adventurer   
Parkog 16232 piet the adventurer 1,132,518 1,809
piet the adventurer    Ritter vom Nie
Qunrir 16878 piet the adventurer Ritter vom Nie 928,803 1,347
piet the adventurer    d1e Göttl1chen
Uceria 17386 piet the adventurer d1e Göttl1chen 906,711 1,436