25431 rank

205,852 points

253 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BTH1    Germany First
Tuulech 15031 BTH1 Germany First 1,454,986 995
BTH1    Sonnenanbieter
Parkog 17257 BTH1 Sonnenanbieter 807,371 772
BTH1    berrrrrrrrr
Dinegu 19350 BTH1 berrrrrrrrr 792,999 835
BTH1    Emsland
Brisgard 21926 BTH1 Emsland 699,351 731
BTH1    Company of Heroes
Rugnir 17995 BTH1 Company of Heroes 658,982 688
BTH1    The proud Eagles
Cirgard 21503 BTH1 The proud Eagles 536,008 425
BTH1    The Juggalos
Houndsmoor 21676 BTH1 The Juggalos 486,809 433
BTH1    Die_Neutralen
Arvahall 26277 BTH1 Die_Neutralen 384,280 348
BTH1    Holy Babarians
Eldenborough 25431 BTH1 Holy Babarians 205,852 253