13107 rank

8,556,403 points

2,786 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zaphod Bibelbrox    Chillin squad
Mount Killmore 11794 Zaphod Bibelbrox Chillin squad 12,677,510 2,994
Zaphod Bibelbrox    Berlin Killers
Greifental 12640 Zaphod Bibelbrox Berlin Killers 12,573,115 2,740
Zaphod Bibelbrox    Brutal Attack
Korch 11362 Zaphod Bibelbrox Brutal Attack 10,424,536 2,816
Zaphod Bibelbrox    Post mortem
Brisgard 13191 Zaphod Bibelbrox Post mortem 9,646,183 3,184
Zaphod Bibelbrox    Schwarze Ritter
Sinerania 11309 Zaphod Bibelbrox Schwarze Ritter 8,935,655 2,369
Zaphod Bibelbrox    The Meteors
Eldenborough 13107 Zaphod Bibelbrox The Meteors 8,556,403 2,786
Zaphod Bibelbrox    Wir schaffen das!
Parkog 11336 Zaphod Bibelbrox Wir schaffen das! 7,797,635 2,819