15599 rank

3,523,927 points

7,230 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
th56    Event
Dinegu 12150 th56 Event 8,614,935 12,533
th56    Traders and fighters
Houndsmoor 13744 th56 Traders and fighters 5,949,772 5,107
th56    Zores
Eldenborough 15599 th56 Zores 3,523,927 7,230
Parkog 18180 th56 UNGEIMPFT 630,543 3,287
th56    Die Doofen
Qunrir 19389 th56 Die Doofen 428,504 3,678
th56    Skatstadt Krieger
Rugnir 21384 th56 Skatstadt Krieger 250,829 2,621