29130 rank

75,193 points

297 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
MasterChancentod39    Underdogs 2.0
Dinegu 12653 MasterChancentod39 Underdogs 2.0 7,767,948 7,153
MasterChancentod39    1953er
Arvahall 18031 MasterChancentod39 1953er 3,085,783 3,204
Greifental 22737 MasterChancentod39 692,963 1,575
MasterChancentod39    Underdogs 2.0
Langendorn 20633 MasterChancentod39 Underdogs 2.0 598,483 2,008
Vingrid 15678 MasterChancentod39 523,757 717
Houndsmoor 21482 MasterChancentod39 514,522 1,562
MasterChancentod39    Underdogs
Walstrand 12069 MasterChancentod39 Underdogs 332,018 1,472
MasterChancentod39    sword and rose
Sinerania 21399 MasterChancentod39 sword and rose 258,889 818
MasterChancentod39    1953er
Brisgard 26030 MasterChancentod39 1953er 250,060 734
MasterChancentod39    Chancentod
Fel Dranghyr 23945 MasterChancentod39 Chancentod 223,258 550
Mount Killmore 27164 MasterChancentod39 130,893 690
MasterChancentod39    Underdogs 2.0
Korch 25430 MasterChancentod39 Underdogs 2.0 110,416 654
MasterChancentod39    DarkRoom
Eldenborough 29130 MasterChancentod39 DarkRoom 75,193 297
MasterChancentod39    1953er
Noarsil 26877 MasterChancentod39 1953er 63,712 306
MasterChancentod39    Underdogs
Jaims 27612 MasterChancentod39 Underdogs 60,254 508
Rugnir 25970 MasterChancentod39 57,786 450
MasterChancentod39    Underdogs 2.0
Cirgard 29941 MasterChancentod39 Underdogs 2.0 50,539 343
MasterChancentod39    Underdogs 3.0
Xyr 14918 MasterChancentod39 Underdogs 3.0 47,690 214
MasterChancentod39    Versengeld
Tuulech 26431 MasterChancentod39 Versengeld 43,230 383
MasterChancentod39    Underdogs 2.0
Uceria 27895 MasterChancentod39 Underdogs 2.0 41,629 317
MasterChancentod39    Underdogs 2.0
Qunrir 27743 MasterChancentod39 Underdogs 2.0 30,324 108
Parkog 27985 MasterChancentod39 29,005 238