9363 rank

27,124,112 points

23,611 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jack the Builder    🧨Abrissbirne💥
Tuulech 16 Jack the Builder 🧨Abrissbirne💥 4,686,256,441 1,111,643
Jack the Builder    Nur keinen Stress 🏝
Eldenborough 9363 Jack the Builder Nur keinen Stress 🏝 27,124,112 23,611
Jack the Builder    Wunschbrunnen Städte
Greifental 10312 Jack the Builder Wunschbrunnen Städte 24,316,996 16,911
Jack the Builder    AktivInaktiv
Langendorn 10176 Jack the Builder AktivInaktiv 18,598,331 10,662
Jack the Builder    AktivInaktiv
Uceria 27967 Jack the Builder AktivInaktiv 35,525 113