3428 rank

219,153,336 points

332,178 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
CK21    The Golden Circle
Greifental 2609 CK21 The Golden Circle 326,138,697 311,723
CK21    🛡⚔First Law⚔🛡
Eldenborough 3428 CK21 🛡⚔First Law⚔🛡 219,153,336 332,178
CK21    ☠️Forge of Death ☠️
Qunrir 5202 CK21 ☠️Forge of Death ☠️ 83,818,432 200,100
CK21    ✨🚀 Hitch Base 🛸✨
Sinerania 6730 CK21 ✨🚀 Hitch Base 🛸✨ 47,919,947 115,497