30345 rank

55,226 points

115 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
TrueUlf    Matrix
Arvahall 20751 TrueUlf Matrix 1,424,422 1,032
TrueUlf    EisenWölfe
Fel Dranghyr 18160 TrueUlf EisenWölfe 1,220,853 796
TrueUlf    Austria
Jaims 18407 TrueUlf Austria 955,009 807
TrueUlf    Argon
Noarsil 18142 TrueUlf Argon 837,857 603
Tuulech 17039 TrueUlf KEINE PANIK 753,288 507
TrueUlf    Die Schwaben
Uceria 18057 TrueUlf Die Schwaben 743,561 575
TrueUlf    Lonley
Sinerania 18001 TrueUlf Lonley 735,792 562
TrueUlf    Freizeitpiraten
Rugnir 18322 TrueUlf Freizeitpiraten 596,938 506
TrueUlf    Austrian Wings
Odhrorvar 18833 TrueUlf Austrian Wings 522,648 474
TrueUlf    Tempelritter
Parkog 18807 TrueUlf Tempelritter 505,875 512
Xyr 9702 TrueUlf GOODWILL 419,056 429
Dinegu 22516 TrueUlf 316,819 347
TrueUlf    Schneeburg
Cirgard 24212 TrueUlf Schneeburg 255,413 289
TrueUlf    😎Happygamer😎
Korch 25308 TrueUlf 😎Happygamer😎 116,092 128
TrueUlf    Insel Rügen
Langendorn 27875 TrueUlf Insel Rügen 78,813 121
TrueUlf    The Vikings
Qunrir 24651 TrueUlf The Vikings 77,291 107
TrueUlf    Herz des Ozeans
Greifental 31709 TrueUlf Herz des Ozeans 75,949 94
TrueUlf    Rosige Zukunft
Eldenborough 30345 TrueUlf Rosige Zukunft 55,226 115