10832 rank

14,505,213 points

5,846 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Linexx    Enjoy the game
Eldenborough 10832 Linexx Enjoy the game 14,505,213 5,846
Linexx    Zusammenhalt
Sinerania 9594 Linexx Zusammenhalt 13,839,042 6,681
Linexx    Jupiter2
Korch 10352 Linexx Jupiter2 12,635,920 4,691
Linexx    Mondschatten
Houndsmoor 11733 Linexx Mondschatten 10,516,854 4,257
Linexx    W=(A)=lhalla
Jaims 11753 Linexx W=(A)=lhalla 8,770,842 7,681